Special Thanks

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A Few Special Thank Yous

Miss World Canada Sponsors:

Again this year I have been lucky enough to find some very generous sponsors for my pageant they include:

  1. The Redco Group - $1000
  2. Finning (Langley Branch) - $110
  3. Marviante & Steve - $300
  4. Mom and Dad :) - $80
  5. Elements Sun Spa - Tanning Package
  6. Jenna Pearce (Rice Society) - Designed my gown
  7. Fusion Coture Designs - Jewelry
  8. City of Langley - $1000 and pins
  9. Frontier - charity gift and post cards

All of you have helped me emensly. You are the reason that I can attend this wonderful event. THANK YOU!


Miss BC World Sponsors:

Thank you to all of my very generous sponsors for all of your support and faith in me.

  1. Pentland's Prosthetic and Orthotic Services Ltd.
  2. Kendor Textiles Ltd
  3. Scott Sinclair

Thank you from the bottom of my heart because this couldnt have been possible without your support.


And also a very special thank you to my make up artist and hair stylist for the pageant, Katherine Jernigan. She graciously donated her time and effort. If you would like to contact her for makeup consultations please email me and I will be sure to pass on the information.

The Storsley's

You are such amazing and special people. The generousity and care you possess is once in a million. Your dedication to helping young women improve their self esteem has truly changed my life and outlook. As I told Darren... In the few days I was around you, the pageant and the girls my whole self image changed. I went from seeing all my faults to appreciating them. I learned because of you that its ok to be me and be different because that is what makes me special.

 So thank you for being such genuine and caring people. For putting in so much hardwork and love into what you do. You DO make a difference and it IS appreciated.